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Alden Nguyen – Vietnam’s Top Investor At 88jl

Alden Nguyen is a prominent name in the investment community, especially in the cryptocurrency sector in Vietnam. He is known for his sharp market analysis, useful investment experience sharing, and fairly accurate market trend predictions. Let’s explore his notable investment strategies with 88jl.

Outstanding investor Alden Nguyen

As one of the most sought-after investors today, he is known through his notable work on social media platforms such as:

Outstanding investor Alden Nguyen
Outstanding investor Alden Nguyen
  • Market analyst

Alden regularly shares insights about the stock market and cryptocurrency on social media platforms and investment forums. His analyses are often well-received and highly regarded by the community.

  • Content creator

Alden Nguyen creates quality content about investing, including videos, articles, and courses. His content focuses on helping beginners better understand the market and investment strategies.

  • Influencer in the investment community

With a large following on social media platforms, Alden has a certain influence on the investment community. His shares can impact investor psychology and influence market developments.

Investment strategies shared by Alden Nguyen

As a market analyst and influencer in the investment community, he frequently shares his perspectives and investment strategies. Some notable strategies he often mentions include:

Investment strategies shared by Alden Nguyen
Investment strategies shared by Alden Nguyen

Fundamental analysis

Alden Nguyen emphasizes the importance of assessing the real value of a company or asset. This includes analyzing financial reports, business models, industry prospects…

Investing in good businesses: Instead of following temporary trends, Alden advises investors to look for businesses with solid foundations and sustainable growth potential.

Portfolio diversification

Minimize risk by allocating capital to various industry portfolios, thereby reducing the negative impact from the volatility of a single asset. Maximize profits by diversifying portfolios to increase opportunities to gain profits from different sources.

Long-term investment

He encourages investors to have a long-term view of the market, which helps investors avoid emotional investment decisions and focus on long-term financial goals. Long-term investing helps investors leverage the power of compound interest, creating a stable passive income stream.

Risk management

Alden Nguyen often mentions the importance of setting stop-losses to limit losses when the market goes against predictions. Knowing how to take profits at the right time helps protect profits and avoid the risk of losing what has been achieved.

Learning and updating

Alden always emphasizes the importance of closely monitoring market developments and related news. The financial market is always changing, so investors need to continuously learn and update their knowledge to adapt.

Evaluation of investment strategies from Alden Nguyen

Alden has been and is contributing a lot to the Vietnamese investment community. 88jl always encourages learning and referencing strategies from this investor, however, investing always comes with risks.

Evaluation of investment strategies from Alden Nguyen
Evaluation of investment strategies from Alden Nguyen

Strengths of Alden Nguyen’s strategy

These are the points that you should refer to from the investor to develop your own investment strategy.

  • Focus on fundamentals: He often emphasizes the importance of fundamental analysis to assess the real value of an asset. This helps investors make investment decisions based on sustainable and long-term factors.
  • Portfolio diversification: Alden often encourages investors to diversify their investment portfolios to spread risk. By investing in different types of assets, investors can minimize the negative impact from the volatility of a single asset.
  • Long-term planning: Alden Nguyen aims for long-term investment goals. This helps investors avoid emotional investment decisions and focus on building assets over time.
  • Risk management: He always emphasizes the importance of risk management. He often shares techniques such as setting stop-losses and taking profits to protect capital and maximize profits.
  • Information update: Regularly updates market information and shares the latest knowledge with the community. This helps investors grasp new opportunities and risks.

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Points to note and consider in investment strategy

Profitable investing is always an attractive thing that attracts people, however, it also has risks in the process of implementation. Each investor will have a strategy that will only be suitable for themselves, which you should consider when referring to the strategy.

  • Personalization: Alden’s strategies may be suitable for some investors but may not be suitable for everyone. Each investor should make adjustments suitable to their goals, risk tolerance, and financial situation.
  • Not financial advice: Alden Nguyen‘s shares are for reference only, not official financial advice. Investors should be responsible for their own decisions.
  • Market is always volatile: The financial market is constantly fluctuating, investment strategies may need to be adjusted over time.
  • Lack of specific details: In some cases, Alden only shares general investment concepts without going into specific details. This can be difficult for new investors.


Alden Nguyen is a well-known market analyst with many shares about investing, especially cryptocurrencies. Alden’s shares are for reference, not official financial advice, and to effectively apply Alden’s strategies, one needs to understand oneself, build a clear investment plan, be persistent, and continuously learn. Follow 88jl to learn more…